My name is Holly Winslow and I am proud to serve as Assistant Principal at Perquimans Central School. I have been in public education for 22 years, 20 of those years as a classroom teacher. I have taught 2nd and 3rd grades in multiple counties. I have a Bachelor's of Science in K-6 Elementary Educations and recently was chosen to participate in the ECU Pirate Leadership program where I successfully acquired my masters in school administration. I also became a National Board certified teacher in 2005 where I continue to use my reflective practitioner skills in my current position.
As an Assistant Principal, my goal is to ensure that students are learning in a safe environment with quality instruction. I was appointed the task of leading LETRS(Language Essentials of Teaching Reading and Spelling) debrief sessions with all teachers at PCS while also participating in the training. Our students along with the students in the state of NC made tremendous success when teachers utilized Science of Reading best practices. I am a long standing resident of Perquimans County and it is my pleasure to work with families and staff to promote student learning.
I believe that our children are our greatest asset and we have to pour into them to achieve a strong community.